Your Contribution Can Help Achieve A Solution

Helping Hearts for the needy is to empower underprivileged children, youth and women through relevant education, innovative healthcare and market-focused livelihood programmes. And deploy best possible methodology and technology for achieving ideal SROI (social return on investment), to practice and promote good governance. To link business competitiveness of the corporate with social development initiatives; also to sensitize privileged children, youth and citizens in general to promote Civic Driven Change

Our Missios

Tuition centers

We offer free tutoring and educational support to children who face barriers to accessing quality education. Our dedicated team of trained teachers and volunteers work with these children to enhance their academic skills, help with homework, and provide a nurturing and supportive learning environ

Blood arrangements

Join us in saving lives by contributing your invaluable gift. Together, we build a community of trust, where every drop counts. Your commitment makes a difference. Donate blood, share life, inspire trust.

Food donations

Join us in alleviating hunger and fostering a community that cares. Your generous support creates a ripple effect of kindness. Donate food, nourish lives, and inspire trust in the power of sharing.

Blanket distribution

Join us in spreading comfort to those in need. Your support makes a tangible impact, creating a community where compassion reigns. Donate blankets, share warmth, and inspire trust in the spirit of giving.

Occasion celebration

Join us in creating memories and sharing happiness. Your participation builds a community where every occasion is special. Celebrate with us, spread joy, and inspire trust in the beauty of shared moments.

Fees support for students

Join us in shaping futures and breaking barriers. Your contribution fuels a community where education knows no bounds. Support students, nurture potential, and inspire trust in the transformative power of education.

Women empowerment

Join us in fostering equality and amplifying voices. Your involvement builds a community where women thrive. Support empowerment, uplift lives, and inspire trust in the resilience and strength of every woman.

Medical support for the needy

Join us in providing healing to those in need. Your support creates a community where health is a right. Contribute to medical care, save lives, and inspire trust in the power of compassionate support.

Supporting Orphanages and Old Age Homes

Join us in creating a haven for the vulnerable. Your support fosters a community where compassion knows no age. Contribute to the well-being of the forgotten, nurture lives, and inspire trust in the kindness of humanity.


Have Any Question

Yes, Absolutely

Clearly articulate the issue or need within the community that requires attention. Identify specific challenges faced by the needy and the objectives of the charitable effort.

Yes, Absolutely


We Raise Money From All Over The World​

Join Our Mission Of Childhood Protection Program​

“Be a vital force in safeguarding childhoods by joining our mission of the Childhood Protection Program. Together, we can create a shield of support, ensuring a brighter and secure future for vulnerable children in need.”